I find School to be an interesting subject. Especially all of the common Homeschooling misconceptions. I mean, who decided that sitting in the same building for 7 or 8 hours makes you social? I just find some conceptions of homeschooling ridiculous. Who decided that just because you choose to do school at home you are not an outgoing person?
Once when I was figuring out what sarcasm was and how to use it, I heard my mom and one of her friends talking. It was at a soccer game and I was waiting for my team to need me on the field.
The woman talking to my mom turned to me and asked, "So you're homeschooled. What do you do? How does socialization work?" I just looked at her for a moment, thinking about how much how I hated the socialization questions.
After a moment of thought, I looked her right in the eye and said, "Well, pretty much my mom just locks me up in the basement. That definitely explains why I am here." I got called into the game and that was that. But before I left I got to see her startled face. I really think she thought there was some sort of truth to what I said.
Ah, that story is always fun for me to remember... Anywho. I think that people's conception of school is entertaining. I find it interesting that parents, when confronted with the fact that I am homeschooled always seem to ask about my social skills. I have rarely been asked, "So what subjects are you doing this year?" "What grade are you in?" or even, "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
I remember being at play-groups as a little girl and when adults asked my peers about school they always seemed to ask, "So what do you want to be when you grow up?" but when they talked to me and then found out I was homeschooled they would go to my mom and ask about my "socialization." Now that I am thinking about this... perhaps it was because I am too outgoing... (?)
The thing is that this apparent worry over the matter of being able to conduct yourself like a normal human being seems to eclipse academia in most, if not all, parents' minds.
Thus I leave you with a question. Are those big building called schools, where teens and children sit for hours, and learn to worry about things that aren't real (like how they are dressing, doing their makeup, how their hair looks, and which group they are in) truly the place where kids will learn to be an asset to the world around them, and where they will learn what being a human, and being 'socialized' really is?