Doctor Who... what to say... hmmmm...
Well, how about I go with what I am thinking which is pretty much this: I NEVER thought I'd like Doctor Who... well before August that is. Here is the thing. I really did try, hard, to like it for a while. Unfortunately, the first season I watched was just kinda lame. I mean, Rose Tyler. Come-on? Who likes her?! I might have just offended someone. Sorry! But really, the first Episodes with the 9th Doctor were truly... not my thing. The computer graphics were strange, Rose was terrible, and I was expecting something 'scary.'
Somehow I got through that season though and my 'work' paid off. I surprised myself... I don't know when, but at some point, I realized that I liked the show. I found myself laughing at the wonderful things the Doctor says, and even though I never really liked Rose, I found her bearable. I may have even cried when she left the Doctor.
I truly enjoy it now and would say I'm pretty much a Whovian and that bow ties, converse, and Tardis Blue are some of my favorite things because of it.
Now I think I've sufficiently said all I want to about Doctor Who. Though I could say more... why should I? Okay... actually... I'm just going to continue on with it. So, here I go with a list:
Reasons I like Doctor Who:
The Doctor is a gentleman and it's nice.
The Tardis is bigger on the inside, and smaller on the outside... which is just fun.
I laugh almost every episode (after that first season this definitely applies).
I love a lot of the side characters.
Doctor Who gives you something to talk about. It just does. It's a fact, people.
David Tenant made me cry... a couple of times. He was wonderful.
Even though I cried when David Tenant left (and felt like I might hate the show again) I fell in love with Matt Smith and now I can't imagine his leaving. Well... I can imagine it... I might cry... a lot.
Bow ties are legitimately cool in of themselves and the Doctor liking them makes it that much better.
I can watch the show with my WHOLE family!! There aren't a lot of shows you can do that with.
Although, I still think Firefly is the best TV show still I do enjoy the Doctor's family friendly-ness. I just like it... it's funny. It's enjoyable.
How do you explain love? I don't know. How do you explain liking Doctor Who? I don't know...
I will be back with something different latter. For now, I shall enjoy being a teenage Browncoat Whovian.
Let me leave you with a quote: "Wibbly wobbly timey wimey... stuff."